I am beginning the process of becoming published!
I had a phone conversation with someone just this week who is interested in helping me to publish a book.
It's something I've been thinking about for a LONG time, but I've just kinda been waiting for the time to feel right. I want to continue to share our story of God's faithfulness through our struggles.
So, you know...in the middle of a move, right before the holidays, sounds like the best time EVER to start, right?! (doesn't God have a sense of humor?!?!?!)
As of right now, I have until October 1 to write out an introduction as well as outline the chapters. After that, we will set up a timeline for completion dates as I become closer to actually completing the book.
I'm so excited and extremely nervous about this undertaking.
So, what do you think? Wanna read my book when it's done?! :o)

Hey girl, silly question. You have me glued to you blogs 85% of the time. and I read ever blog before, during and afterJoshua's little life. you have an amazing way of putting pen to paper!
Any chance it will be a book full of Calebisms?
love you!
Hey girl, silly question. You have me glued to you blogs 85% of the time. and I read ever blog before, during and afterJoshua's little life. you have an amazing way of putting pen to paper!
Any chance it will be a book full of Calebisms?
love you!
You better believe it will have some Calebisms! That kid is too funny to not write about the stuff he says! However, if you can believe it, Hannah seems to be catching up to Caleb with the funny sayings. :o)
I will read the book. you have a beautiful style of writing on the blog. can't wait to see how it translates to paper.
thats exciting news! WOW
I hope this becomes a reality for you and yes, I'll buy yer book
Are you done yet?....Are you done yet?...Is it published yet? (are we there yet!!?)
LOL, yes I will read your book!
I would absolutely read it! You are such an inspiration! Hugs and best of luck. Will pray for your and yours :)
Totally! Oh do keep us posted! (for lack of a better word...lol)
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! I'm so excited for you! Book publishing is a wee bit of a passion for me *grin* and yeah, I'm just bubbling over with excitement for you!!!
And of COURSE I want to read it!
I'm thrilled for you & cannot wait to read your work!
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