We have been incredibly blessed by the generosity of family and friends who have donated money and who will be sharing their time with us at the walk. It is such an amazing blessing to be surrounded by people that we love who continue to support us 3 years later.
I wanted to share a the link to our team page. Even though we have met our goal, Shane and I are still looking for donations to sponsor our team. You can make a donation to our team by clicking HERE.
I also wanted to share a link HERE that shows you all of the incredible research that receives funding from all of the Congenital Heart Walks across the country. Without these walks and the funds that they raise, this research would not be possible. Awareness and funding are key factors in finding effective treatments for CHD.
To those of you who have already donated, thank you so much for your generosity and your support. Together, we are all making a difference!

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