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Friday, April 13, 2012

My Friend

I have a friend.

A friend who has stuck by me through thick and thin.

I have a friend who has come along side me, cried with me, questioned with me, and listened to and shared my questions of faith.

I have a friend who, no matter what, has not given up on me.

I have a friend who loves me despite my pain, my selfishness, my tears, and my sadness.

I have a friend who loves my Joshua as much as I love him.

I have a friend who loves my living children as much as she loves her own children.

I have a friend who loves me for me.

I have a friend who has experienced pain, brokenness, and sadness, yet loves God with an unwavering and humble faith.

I have a friend who has taught me that our God is a God who loves us despite our questions, cursing, and anger.

I have a friend who has loved me for me, who has gotten messy with my life, and has encouraged me to continue on.

When God brought us together 6 years ago, I had no idea how much I would need her. I had no idea that she would be the one person to love me unconditionally and without expectation. I had no idea that she would be the one person to help save me from myself. I had no idea that she would become my very best friend- staying by my side through the thick of my grief and crying right along side me.

I have a friend who has helped me in ways that I will never be able to repay her. I will never be able to find the right words to say thank you for all that she has done for me. I cannot tell her how deep my love runs for her.

I have a friend who is a gift, a precious jewel, a treasure.

I have a friend who is a blessing, and I thank God for her every day of my life.

I love you, Molly.

Thank you for being you.

Thank you for loving me.

Thank you for helping to carry my burden and helping me heal.


Auntie M said...

Thank you Jesus for gifting Jill with Molly (and for gifting Molly with Jill)!

Shrrbyrd said...

Jill, you have me sobbing with joy! You two have such a blessed relationship and to be honest, one I envy. God is so good.

Sara@iSass said...

These are the BEST kind of friends. Rare and precious.

McCammons said...

So glad you have a friend like that! They are the best, and so glad when HE choses to bless us with one.

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