I have the right support in place to help me succeed.
But while I keep my eyes on the ultimate goal, I know that it's extremely important to focus on the small victories that I accomplish along the way.
I am not this 255 pound person that I've become. My life has been out of control for a long time, and while God has taught me that it's OK to surrender the things that I cannot to control over to Him, my weight is not one of those things.
He has not created me to be 255 pounds. He has not given me food so I can over indulge and try to mask the pain of these past few years. Food has become part of my way of coping with the hard stuff, and I refuse to do it anymore. My dependance needs to be in Him and Him alone.
So, today I celebrate the small victory of beginning to work out again.
I'm not doing anything special or fancy- in fact, I discovered that we have a copy of The Biggest Loser Wii game.
It's amazing what a 28 minute
So, today, I celebrate the small victory of working out again. Tonight, after I weigh in, I celebrate a smaller number on the scale- even if it's just a pound.
I'm so excited to get back to the woman God created me to be.
(On a much different note, we are also celebrating the small victories of my dad's recovery. After discovering more tumors in his femur and hip, he had to go in for surgery to place a rod in his femur to prevent it from fracturing. 3 days post surgery, he is walking again and working on sitting up for longer periods of time! We are hoping to get him HOME very, very soon!!! Continued prayers for his recovery is much appreciated!)
myfitnesspal.com is newest favorite site- it's great for tracking food and seeing where you need to make changes :) best of luck with your health goals!
Praying for your dad every day!
GReat job Jill! You CAN do it! So proud of you....totally here to cheer you on! Can't wait to go on this journey with you!
I LOVE my BIggest Loser Wii game. Actually joined a gym for the first time in November too. Sort of a drag getting myself there, but always LOVE it when I am there. So rewarding!
Keep up the great work!
Not sure if I mentioned it somewhere in all my ramblings :) but one book that Keith and I read daily-right in there with our God devotionals, lol, was our Weight Loss Devotional-it's a quick read, just about a page daily, not religious, but SO SO SO incredible for the mental part of the journey, which is really 99.9% of it, after all! http://www.weightlossjoy.com/ is the website, Linda Spangle is the author, she's freaking amazing, I've chatted with her a few times, incredible woman, and the book is 100 Days of Weight Loss: The Secret to Being Successful on Any Diet Plan
I am pretty sure I've read just about every book out there, haha, on weight loss, in the past decade plus struggling with my weight but this...this is absolutely amazing, deep, yet a quick read daily that is not overwhelming with busy lives, mama stuff, wife stuff, whatever stuff...easy to make part of your routine and some great wisdom in there for the long haul!
I second myfitnesspal! I use it along with the Dukan diet. I started the Dukan Diet in August. I've never done a diet before & I've lost 43 pounds so far with walking, pushing a double stroller as my exercise. It's been a really easy way to shed the pounds! Good luck!
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