Add a couple kids to the mix and a few periods of unemployment, and we really REALLY struggled.
Love In The Name of Christ is a National Christian based organization that readily meets the needs of the community. In our greatest time of need, they came along side us and helped when we needed it the most. They helped to provide food, assistance in getting our car repaired, and most importantly they prayed daily as a staff for Joshua from the time of his diagnosis to the time of his death (they faithfully checked my blog every morning for updates and prayed where it was needed!). Once he died, their prayers shifted to peace and comfort for our family.
They have been an amazing support for our family as we have finally gotten back on our feet and been able to be on the giving end of helping rather than the receiving end.
Recently Love, INC opened a thrift store in their Huntington building. It is a ministry that helps to clothe our community with free and/or inexpensive clothing to anyone who walks through their doors. Recently, I met with the intake coordinator, and she presented me with something that made me break down in tears.
This is Joshua's Corner.
Joshua's Corner is the infant and children's section of the thrift store. It was created in honor and in memory of our sweet Joshua and his precious life.
The coordinator explained that Joshua's life made an impact on the staff and volunteers of Love and they wanted him to be remembered. There was no better way than this to honor his life- by providing clothes and Christ's love to the many precious children of our community.
Yesterday was the official opening day of the thrift store and I was so excited to see how many people were there not only receiving quality clothes, but also hearing about and experiencing Christ's love. I'm so humbled and honored that Joshua's life will be a part of such an amazing ministry!
If you are in the Huntington area and want to be a part of this amazing ministry, there are several ways to get involved. Covered with Love accepts donations of gently used clothing and house hold items- they especially need children's clothing. They are also always looking for volunteers for their many ministries. You can find the Huntington Love, INC on Facebook right HERE and you can find the Covered With Love Facebook page right HERE!

What an amazing tribute to little Joshua!
That's so sweet, and yet so sad too.
If you ever might need some assistance with your finances get a hold of me and we can find someone in your area to help out with things like insurance (life, home, auto), your debt, and investing. My husband just started working with a business that may be able to help you guys.
I am in TEARS. What a beautiful gesture!
Peach- I appreciate the offer. We have actually been able to get ourselves back on our own two feet. We no longer struggle and are living within our means. No more credit cards, loans, or payments for us! :o)
God has been faithful in helping us through it and getting us back on the right track. Our only big thing left is our mortgage which we don't have many options with, so we are fighting with the mortgage company to get that figured out. Once that's taken care of, we will really be Ok! :o)
I appreciate the love and support though! :o)
That is beautiful!
This brought a tear of happiness to my eyes. :) What an awesome why to share Joshua's story and Christ's Love with everyone.
That is absolutely beautiful. I'm in tears.
wow...just wow...
thats so awesome. wow.
Amazing. Perfect. Love it.
All right!! Gotta love God's people!!!
Oh my goodness, Jill, I am in tears. How amazing is that? He will NEVER be forgotten. :)
Very touching Jill!
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