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Friday, May 27, 2011

Almost Moving Day

It's almost moving day.

6 days to be exact!

Here are some sure signs that it's getting close!

Our dining room is PACKED with boxes, and will be even more full in the next few days.

This is the part that makes me really sad to leave this house. The kids and I love this yard. It's not the same when it's not littered with toys and play equipment. SAD DAY!

I love making lists!!! 

I may or may not be the type to add things to my lists to just cross them off...

My brother in law and mother in law both get their own list for this weekend! 
I'm sure they love me dearly for it!

Wednesday cannot come fast enough!


Beth said...

If you ask me and my mom, lists are made just so you can cross things off them!!! We fight over crossing things off the list when we are working together on something. : )

Peach said...

LOL, I'm a certified "lister" as well. So excited for you guys!

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