After some research, I found that long term exposure to high fevers/temperatures can cause some major defects. I'm praying that we can get this fever down and get me back to my normal self quickly and without complication.
I have to admit that I'm tired, I'm sick, and I'm scared. However, I realize that I just have to trust that God has both me and this baby in His hands.
Also, I pray that you can take some time today to remember Christ's sacrifice on the cross for our sins. He loves us so much that he sent His Son to die for us, so we can live with Him eternally in Heaven. He made that sacrifice for me, you, and all of us. All you have to do is believe. I pray that you remember and rejoice in His sacrifice. There is no greater love than the love of our God for ALL of his people.

Hey, I had a dream about you and your "Rainbow" baby. (And just to clearify, I've NEVER had dreams about someone I've never met before. So, please don't think of me as some creeper!) :) Ask me if you want the details.
I really hope you & the Doctors can figure out what's going on. I know high fever for a pro-long time is dangerous pregnant or not. Feel better, and try to rest. We'll be prayer here in IL.
Much love!
Tylenol is safe to take and should help some in bringing the fever down. 1000mg (2 extra strength tabs)every 4-6 hours. It's the long term 104-105 fevers that can cause problems. I hope you feel better soon. I'm praying hard for you, friend.
I hope you feel better soon! I had a bad fever in the first trimester this pregnancy (104) for 3 days. I went to my doctor and all he said to do was take Tylenol and use cool compresses to bring down the fever. I usually do not like to take anything during pregnancy but definitely made an exception this time and all is well. I will be praying that your fever breaks and you and your little rainbow baby are both healthy as can be!
The most dangerous time to have a fever is those first few weeks, which you're well past. Feel better soon, and I continue to pray for your family!
Oh God Jehovah Rapha, heal Jill and put her mind at ease....bring her peace.
I had a prolonged bout of fever with my second pregnancy. I had bronchitis. Around the clock tylenol kept it down around 100. But, I had it for several days. It was my understanding that fevers over 102-103 were dangerous, but lower fevers weren't necessarily worrisome for pregnancy. I do hope that your fever breaks and you start feeling better very soon. Most of all, I hope the Peace of God washes over you.
praying for you!!
I hope that you feel better soon!!
How are you feeling today? I hope you were able to enjoy Easter weekend with your family!
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