Well, this week was going to be a normal week, until I received a Facebook message from my friend Molly.
She and her kids are driving to Dallas, Texas on Wednesday and she wanted to know if me and the kids would like to join her....Gee....a 17 hour car ride with 4 children ages 5 and under? Why not?! Sounds like FUN!
So, we are making our very quick and final preparations today and tomorrow so we can be ready to leave sometime Wednesday morning!
I was scheduled for a doctor's appointment on Thursday, so I called this morning and rescheduled it for today at 11. I'm hoping that maybe we will get to hear the heart beat today, but I'm not going to get my hopes up. I'm only 9 weeks and 4 days so we'll see!
I also wanted to tell you that a few of the things that I had been praying for have been answered in great ways that only God can do!
1. The day after my prayer request post, sweet Annabelle received her new heart! Please continue to pray that she heals without any complication and that the donor family is comforted, supported, and loved as they now face life without their little one.
2. Kirsten and James, Ewan's parents, just found out that James was offered a job in Florida (quite the distance from their Seattle home!) and they will be moving to Florida in the very near future. Please continue to lift them up and pray that James loves his new job, and that the transition from Seattle to Florida is smooth and without hang ups! I know Kirsten and James will be physically separated for a few weeks while James starts his new job in Florida and Kirsten ties up all of the loose ends in Seattle. Just continue lifting them up in prayer and support!
3. My friend who found out she is having twins but the sac isn't big enough for both of the babies, sent me a message and she said that her doctor isn't extremely concerned about it. That is good news, but they are also going to have another ultrasound to make sure things are progressing normally!
Aren't those some great answers to prayer?!
Hope you all have a great day today! I know I'm going to be running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get ready for our trip!

WOW! Hope you enjoy your trip. What better conversation that a 17 hr car ride with 4 kids. And awesome answers to prayer. love you!! and hoping you hear the whoosh, whoosh, whoosh :)
Awesomeness! My eyes got sooo big upon reading that 17hr car ride with 4 kids 5 and under eeeeekk!!! Prayers for a safe & sane trip! ~Lis
I am so glad things are well for you.
Here in Houston where I live, there was a tragedy about 6 weeks ago (fire in a home daycare) that killed 4 kids while the home daycare operator left them alone in the house to go shopping. One of the little ones donated his heart to a three month old baby, and in an interview yesterday, the mother said she wants to meet the baby so she can hear her son's heart beating again. I hope she gets to. I feel so bad for all involved.
What wonderful news to share! Please don't fret about not hearing a heartbeat today. 10 weeks is typically the VERY earliest that a heartbeat can be heard with a doppler and they can still hide from the doppler for weeks after that. Sending lots of love to that sweet, elusive little sugar lump so s/he can grow big, strong and healthy.
Wow Jill. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you have some serious pull with The Big Guy ;-). Those are amazing answers to prayer!!!!
And I already said this but yeah, before 10 weeks is a bit early to hear a HB on doppler (even 10-12 weeks is iffy).
Oh that is awesome! Here's to hoping you hear the little one's heart beat!
My youngest was very shy, so we'd hear the heartbeat one visit, then not again for a couple visits in a row, and he was much bigger than 10 weeks. So happy for you guys!
Safe travels, friend! Hope you have a wonderful time. My husband is in Houston for business this week and he said it's been 95 and up every day so make sure you pack lots of cool clothes!
Prayers and travel mercy. .Please pray for that situation that we have been discussing. I saw the offer today and I am rejecting it tomorrow. Just His will and shut the door it is not meant to be! I know that this is not over though..
Thought you might appreciate an update. My SIL who had to have an amnio b/c her baby might have Down's? She got news today that the baby is fine and that she is having a girl! She has 2 boys, so she is really excited! Thank you for your prayers!
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