I can actually share what in the world has been going on in our lives that I couldn't share before.
Here we go!
1. The sign outside our house says "Sale Pending"- but you knew that already. We are still in the waiting stages for the bank to approve the offer that we have received. We are just trusting that God is going to do His thing and work this out for us. However, the house selling was a bit of a stress for us. We haven't been paying the mortgage (because it's a short sale, and once it's up as a short sale- you don't pay anymore.) That was a huge relief to us because for a while there we really couldn't afford the mortgage anyway. We didn't want the sale to go on forever, but we didn't mind it taking a while so we could come up with a game plan to fully get ourselves back on our feet. We've been praying and trusting that God would work everything out for us, and would lead us in the right direction. Well, He has done just that!
2. We found a house that we absolutely fell in love with. It's a rental and it is perfect for us. Perfect amount of space, perfect amount for the rent, and on the other side (it's a duplex/townhouse) we have the greatest neighbors on the face of this earth- a
3. Since I am staying home with the kids now, Shane is (obviously) the only one supporting our family at this point. I have no desire to go back to work, and Shane and I agree at how important it is for me to stay home for a while (this may change eventually but probably not in the near future.) We have made some major sacrifices to allow me to stay home, but it's been worth it. Lately however, Shane's hours at work have been cut drastically. He's gone from 40 hours a week to some weeks less than 15. We obviously can't live on that type of income, so he has been looking for either a 2nd job or another job all together.
Last week he had a couple interviews with a great company, and we got the call yesterday offering him a job! The best part? It pays just enough to cover the cost of our rent....coincidence? I think not....
Since Joshua died and we were left wondering "What next?" we have been praying non stop that God would make it very clear where we are supposed to go. We have been praying for God to basically "plop" something on our laps. We thought we had Him figured out and then He threw a curve ball at us with Joshua's life and death. We prayed that His hand would be in our lives in ways that we have never experienced before. Well, that is exactly what He is doing. Providing in ways that we never expected.
So....there you have it. All of it....except for one.....
Praise God!

This is some awesome news!! So glad He is working in your lives and things are doing some looking up. I know how the short sale thing goes, been there and done that! Hopefully yours does not take as long as my mom's just did. So will keep praying for that.
so happy things are begining to go your way!!!
Praying God continues to do his thang for you !
Fran V
Wonderful! I can feel your positive energy & it's very nice. :o)
So glad to hear the good news - waiting for the other news as soon as you can let us all know! Best wishes to you all.
Glad to see so many things being opened up to you and your family. I pray God continues to pour out blessings to all of you.
Oh MyLANTA! We are in this same thick of woods right now!
Our house is in short sale, we've had an offer but it was horrible and they were crazy about the closing date wanting us out before the kids finish school...(We have to be out July 10, so we are shooting for a June first rental and a very slow move in...we've got a lot of crap to purdge!)
Rob and I are crossing our fingers and toes for a new job as well and are CLINGING to God's promise to have a place for us, to take care of our needs and to walk hand in hand with us every step of the way.
Girl, I just want to shout PRAISES for you guys! And reading about how God is with you on this gives me that much more hope for us.
So much love pours from my heart to Him and to you and your sweet family, and some day when I come to Visit Molly K you better be ready to get a big ol hug from me!
This is all so AWESOME!!! Prayers answered and continually will be answered.
Great news!!! Wishing and praying that all continues to go smoothly for your family as you transition to the new changes. ((HUGS))
Yay! Today's post gave me chills!
I, like you, "had" to stay home after Mason's birth, but I have no desire to go back to a traditional job (staying at home is more work than anything I've done in the past, lol). Don't let anyone make you feel guilty for it! I've already been asked if I'll go back to work after Mason has his surgery and I'm just secretly sticking my tongue out at the person in my head, lol.
I'm rambling!!! Praise God for things falling into place and I'm praying for the other thing that can't be revealed just yet!!
Praise God for all your wonderful blessings! All the best for you and your sweet family.
:) !!!!!!!!
Yay!!! So happy to hear these positive things! :)
That's great! God is paying attention and leading the direction! So happy for you all.
Thank you Jesus for orchestrating our lives so perfectly!!! God is never late or early. He shows up exactly when he means to!!! (Besides being with us all the time ;) ) We will continue to pray that things go off without a hitch... when are you going to spill the other secret!?!
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