Instead I have to give credit to my new and very good friend Jill.
This is a tasty meal that she prepared for us while we visited her beautiful family.
Chicken Nachos
You will need:
2 or 3 large boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 stick of butter
1 jar of your favorite hot sauce
2 cans Rotel Tomatoes
1 large brick of Velveeta Cheese
Tortilla Chips
Toppings of your choice: we use sour cream, tomatoes, lettuce, salsa, fresh cilantro, jalepenos
To make:
Preheat oven to 375
Place the whole stick of butter in a 9x13 casserole dish
Place all 3 pieces of chicken in the casserole dish
Cover chicken breasts in hot sauce and use some extra sauce to cover the bottom of the pan
Bake the chicken, covered, for 1 hour
Mix Velveeta and 2 cans of Rotel Tomatoes in large bowl to be microwaved (or you could let it cook in a crock pot on low setting)
Heat until cheese is smooth and creamy
Once the chicken is cooked thoroughly use 2 forks to shred the meat. (this happens to be a pretty good arm work out!)
Let the shredded meat sit in the hot sauce and butter mixture for 10-15 minutes until cool.
Serve the chicken over tortilla chips, with salsa, cilantro, tomatoes, jalapenos, lettuce, and sour cream and smother with cheese sauce!

Finger Lickin' good!!!
that looks yummie
Oh wow!!! That's a winner! I also looooove Frank's hot sauce!!!!
That looks delicious.
I think I'll try out this recipe this weekend.
So, what's the calorie intake on something like this? ;)
Yum! May try this tonight...have plain chicken out and had no idea what to do with it...Thanks!!
Carla- hahahaha! look at you think I know the caloric intake? guessing by the WHOLE stick of butter and the WHOLE brick of fake cheese, I would imagine it is relatively high!
Love you my friend!
Thanks Jill, I'm going to have to try that recipe. Yummy!!!!
The look on Hannah's face cracked me up! It looks like it is the best thing she ever ate! :o)
Oh my gosh! When I worked at Epworth full time we used to go into Warsaw for lunch EVERY DAY to get Chicken Nachos at El Arriero! These look just about as tasty! Seriously, I gained like 20 pounds eating those nachos and now you have me a recipe that looks the same... tisk...tisk! (And THANK YOU!)
I know this is not the right postper say to post this on. But there is a blog that I would love for you to take a look at. Please email me if you would be interested in seeing this blog.
Oh Yum. That is soooooooo not diet food. It will be a year before I'm able to try that, but I WILL try it!
You forgot the caramelized onions and bell peppers.
I nearly peed my pants over the pic of Shane.......mostly cause I've seen that exact same face.
Carla, Since this is my own creation, I COMPLETELY certify that it is calorie and fat free.
Jill- yes..i did forget them! but shane is the only one who eats them in our house so it wasnt' a big deal anyway! :o)
and calorie and fat free- i agree! LOL!
YUMMY!!!! Now I want some chicken nachos!! :)
Just posted a recipe for some super easy and ridiculously yummy cookies on my blog. Add some vanilla ice cream (Jill, I'm certain there's none of that in YOUR house) and a glass of milk, and you're set!
This just went in my recipe scrapbook!
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