As I think about this past weekend, I can't help but fight the tears.
I have only seen the large sanctuary of my parents home church completely filled at Christmas; until this past weekend. As we said our final good byes to my father, I couldn't believe how many people came to pay their last respects.
At the closing of the service, the pastor offered communion to anyone who is a believer. He instructed our family to come and receive the elements first, and then as others felt lead, they could come and partake.
After we received the elements, I watched as others stood to enter the aisle. Slowly, the aisle filled and before I knew it, the line was as long as the sanctuary.
As I watched the people wait to receive the sacraments, I was brought to tears. I looked at the faces of each and every one of them and all I could see was a little piece of my dad in each of them.
They were all there because they loved my dad. They were all there because, in some small way, my dad made an impact on their lives.
As I watched the line move, I felt my dad's presence. I pictured him, looking down from Heaven, crying tears of pure joy at what he saw. All of those beautiful, beautiful faces, each unique and special, coming for the love that they had for my dad.
There is no greater honor than to be loved by many, many faces.
If you are one of the many beautiful faces who came to honor him, thank you. You blessed me in ways that you will never understand.

Jill, I'm so very sorry about the loss of your wonderful dad. I can't imagine the pain you are going through and know that I am praying for you and your family. I know your dad is safe in God's arms and is pain-free and whole. Take care of yourselves and may memories give you strength. Your dad sounds like an incredible man....someone I would have been honored to know.
I really couldn't have said it better than Andrea (above). Again, what a beautiful, wonderful legacy of love your father left to this world and his family.
Continuing to pray for you...
Mary M
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