This was kinda cute, and I thought maybe it would help some with getting her potty trained. (it came with a little girl, a sink, and a step stool...perfect for helping explain going potty on the big girl potty!)
See what I mean? It has a mini toilet paper holder and everything! What a great way for us to talk about what big girls do and get her interested! She can pretend that her Barbies have to go potty and then we can try the real thing with Hannah!
Aww...that's kinda even has some swirly water in it. Oh! And it flushes complete with sound and all! Alright. This is cute!
WHAT IN THE WORLD?! When you flush the toilet, the blue swirly part turns over and look at what you see.
A toilet...complete with pee and poo. Ok, this thing is not as cute as I thought it was. I wish they would have left it with just the cute swirly blue water...really? Does it really need poo in the middle? Gross. And what happened to having to leave things up to the imagination? Isn't that what Barbies (and all toys for that matter) are supposed to do?!
Way to keep it classy Mattel! Way. to. keep. it. classy.

I've never seen anything like this before. Definitely something to leave to the imagination!
I love how this is what you meant by "disgusting" when everyone else seemed to think it had to do with Barbie's thinness
Hilarious and weird at the same time!!
Oh. My. That's all I have to say about that.....and THANK goodness I have all boys!
I especially appreciate the Barbie silhouette on the underside of the toilet lid. That adds a bit of class back in. This is too funny.
Reminds me of the Barbie dog walker with the dog that poops pellets that MIL bought my daughter...I confiscated it..
LOL pretty funny!
Oh Wow... There are no words..
Wow!!! I have never in my life seen such a thing! That is too funny! I was also thinking that when you were referring to something disgusting with Barbie it had something to do with actual Barbie!
Oh goodness! When I saw the first couple pics, I was thinking, "What's wrong with that? A little weird, maybe, but not un-cute in my opinion."
Then I got to the third pic...
Was NOT prepared for that!!
I thought the "poo" in the middle, was actually the hole in the bottom of the toilet...I have old eyes, what can I say?
That is hilarious and weird at the same time. I'm not sure I'd attempt to buy it now seeing that.
as a toy, it's not pretty, but in terms of toilet training, i wa thinking that the "realisticness" of it may help. just a thought...
Autumn in Indy
That is just wrong on so many levels...thanks for the laugh though. :) I needed it! lol
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