He wanted to try to find the heartbeat on the Doppler. He listened and listened and couldn't find it. I remained calm, knowing that this little one was probably just hiding.
He continued to listen and finally gave up. He sent us to the waiting room to wait for the ultrasound tech.
I began praying and tried to distract myself with some games on my phone. I would be lying if I said I wasn't feeling the tiniest amount of uncertainty and doubt. But there was Peace.
It was finally our turn. The ultrasound tech was one of the many who had seen me while I was pregnant with Joshua and struggling with the hemorrhage. She remembered our family and knew of what we have been through. She took her time, lingering, allowing us to take in the full scope of what is growing inside me.
Here is what we saw:
Our 5.41cm miracle.
Our promise.
Our Joy!
We watched that beautiful little miracle on the big screen in front of us for a while. We watched it kick, and squirm and grab hold of the umbilical cord. We watched that beautiful little miracle and I held back the tears, silently thanking God for blessing us in ways that we don't deserve.
My love for this child runs deeper than I ever thought love could run. The healing that this baby has brought to our family is nothing short of a miracle- God has showered His beautiful and undeserved Mercy down on us. He is allowing us to move forward, all the while remembering the beautiful miracle and blessing that Joshua was and is to our lives.
I'm in awe of the beauty of life once again. I recognize the fragility of all of our lives and I am in awe of the miracle of life that God has given to our family- 4 times!
We are blessed. Truly, truly blessed.

Amen. Beautifully written..
that is such a beautiful picture! :) I'm very happy for you.
God is SOOOO good! What a precious, perfect little peanut! Congratulations!
Praise the Lord! I am so very happy for you all. And yes the healing of a new one on the way...there really are no words to describe it. Blessings to you and your family!
OMG, COngratualtions. I'm so happy for you and your family.What a joy and hope this baby will be. *hugs*
Congrats! I am so happy for you, such a blessing!
Congrats!!! I am so happy to hear all is good!
Psalm 30 says it perfectly!!! v. 5 says there is sorrow for the night but joy comes in the morning!!! Oh happy morning for you all Jill. Continuing to pray for health and safety for you all.
I'm crying tears of joy! I had peace but still... I was so very nervous for you. Life is so precious and nothing short of a miracle. So happy right now! I feel like I've just seen my OWN baby's heart beating for the first time.
blogs need a 'like!!!' button. seriously. hoping the rest of your pregnancy is blissfully uneventful and healing.
LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! What an ADORABLE little one even in black and white! SO incredibly excited for you! Praying a ton for continued health and peace of mind and JOY!
Such a lil cutie. He/she has your eyes! ;) (Couldn't resist.)
Sitting here crying- SO HAPPY FOR your Blessing!
This is great news... :-) I am thrilled beyond words at your newest blessing!! Congratulations!
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