I went to the doctor on Friday. After talking with my doctor, she was concerned that it is one of 3 things. 1) A really bad sinus infection 2) Tonsillitis 3) Mono
She gave me some stronger antibiotics and wrote up the paperwork for me to get some lab work today if I'm not feeling better to test for Mono. (she also reassured me that the baby was not going to be affected by the high fever!)
Thankfully, my parents didn't have to work on Friday, so Shane was able to take the kids over to their house before he went to work. They were gracious enough to watch them while I went to my appointment. After my appointment, I was so exhausted and sick that I went to their house, laid on the couch, and didn't get up.
We literally lived at my my parents house this weekend while they took care of the kids and I rested (while Shane was at work.)
Thankfully, I started feeling much better by last night (although I still have to sleep on the couch because I cough too much when I lay down flat on my bed!)
I hope I'm on the mend. I'm tired of this getting sick stuff!

1 comment:
Glad to hear that you are on the mend. Your parents sound like pretty awesome people (and sound like mine when I was sick and took care of my little guy!) Thank God for awesome parents!
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