We are finally feeling like this is going to be home. Our things surround us, the kids are watching a movie (as I type) and we will be taking our first trip to the new grocery store tomorrow morning. I'm planning on cooking our first home cooked meal tomorrow. This is home!
But moving isn't the only transition in our life right now.
I've not shared yet, but Shane and I have decided to find a new church home.
Since Joshua died, it has been extremely hard to go to church for our family. We decided to take some time off and spend some time praying about what God wants of us. For the past 3 months, we have not attended church, but have spent plenty of time in fellowship with other believers. We have made sure to spend time alone with God (and His Word) as we have been seeking His will for this next chapter in our lives.
We have moved to a new home in a new(ish) town, Caleb is going to be starting Kindergarten next year, we are having another baby in November- Shane and I both feel like the last thing that we needed to do to close this chapter of our lives is to look for a new place of worship. With that being said, we are extremely excited to see where God is going to take us, and how he is going to use our struggles to continue to bring us and others closer to Him.
So, as we are starting off this new chapter in our lives, we are starting with a completely fresh start- new church and all.
Can I recommend a book to you? It's called "Organic Church" (can't remember the author) It's a little eye opening on "church" You can love it or you can toss it out and forget I even said anything to you.
Either way, I'll pray that the Lord leads you & Shane in the right direction.
lifechurchtv.com - its the only church I attend since what happened to me - you can also find the previous messages in archives -
I'm glad you're all settled, sorry I'm not too talkative lately, heading into some dark months of anniversaries - prayers ~
I will be praying that God leads you to the church where he wants you and your family to be ministered to at!
all the best in your new neighbourhood and new church!
I have something a little unrelated to this post. I was looking at another blog (of a somewhat friend that I know only through fb and email) of a woman who lost her little boy 40 minutes after he was born. She had heard of this lady and her husband who live in Australia that to honor those children that have passed away, they write their names in the sand and take pictures at sunset. This little area that they use is BEAUTIFUL!!!! Being a beach person (florida girl on the gulf coast) I LOVED this idea. You can read the ladies story but she too lost a child who was stillborn and through a dream this idea came about. I though of you when I saw this (even though you do not know me but I have followed your blog for quite some time not :) and thought it would be the perfect to hang in your new home. So you can check it out....I believe their is a waiting list and she accepts requests so often...it is www.namesinthesand.blogspot.com. I know Joshua's name would be beautiful written in the sand!!
Sorry there are a lot of typos on my comment...really should proofread :) Hopefully you can understand what I am trying to say through all the mistakes!!
I'll be praying for you guys to be lead to an amazing church. .
Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you and that I still read your blog...even miles away in California! I miss you and was so sad that I wasn't there when Nabrissa was visiting. Where did you guys move to?
I think this post is amazing. You guys need a fresh start and now is the perfect time. I am sure Joshua is rejoicing in Heaven :)
Might I make a church suggestion? I went to SO many churches when I was younger. Christian, Baptist, Lutheran...nothing fit. Nothing felt like "home". Some of my family was LDS (Mormon) but my mom and step-dad were never active and Church was never really something we participated in as a family.
When I was 13 I started going to church and was baptized a short time later. I have been active ever since and I can't even begin to tell you how many blessings I've received because of it. I have such a strong testimony of our Father in Heaven. He is so loving. He is so kind. He is so good. I am incredibly grateful for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, his death made life possible. His death makes it possible for me to repent of my sins, to make new covenants to Heavenly Father, and to be a better person.
When my husband and I were married, we were sealed as a family for Time and All Eternity in the Temple. We will be with our families for Eternity.
Matthew 18:18 (King James Version)
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
Visitors are always welcome to attend services, and you can speak with missionaries if you have any questions. You can also go to WWW.LDS.org for more information.
Praying for you ALWAYS!
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