You know, like giving birth to a pineapple, or God sending texts while I'm laboring with instructions with what to do to make labor pain free, or Shane being nowhere to be found for 3 months after the baby is born- a baby who happens to be a green alien that likes to eat corn on the cob.
You know. The usual dreams!
As I posted about this on Facebook a few days ago, people responded with some absolutely hilarious dreams that they have while pregnant.
That prompted this post. Tell me your crazy pregnant dreams! Help make us all laugh!
I also have incredibly vivid dreams (and especially while I was pregnant). I don't think I documented any when I was preggies but he's a few I've blogged about
Instead of layIng people off at work,I dreamt they were gassing them like Hitler. I know...messed up. I have the most messed up dreams while pregnant! At least they usually aren't this scary...most of mine recently involve the birth of this child and they haven't been all bad.
I had scary, apocalyptic dreams this time around. After being afraid to fall asleep for about a week, I finally figured out it was related to the omega 3 fish oil supplement I was taking. I stopped the fish oil and the nightmares stopped. Then it was just your standard "My baby was born with a head full of teeth and giant clown feet" and weird dreams about me driving an Ice Cream truck and Nicolas Cage flashing me (in case you're curious: It was gross and He doesn't look good naked AT ALL according to my dream. I am officially creeped out by Nic Cage and his movies are banned in our house until I can bleach the memory of that dream from my memory)
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