I went to my regularly scheduled OB appointment this last Wednesday.
We are making progress!
I'm currently 16 weeks and some odd days. (got to hear that beautiful heartbeat again!)
On June 15th, we will head down to Indianapolis for a level 2 ultrasound with Maternal Fetal Medicine.
This trip will be extremely bittersweet. It is with the same group of doctors at the same hospital that Joshua's heart was diagnosed, the same hospital he was born, and the hospital where he died.
We had a choice between a doctor in Fort Wayne or going down to Indianapolis, but we chose to drive the extra distance to the same doctors who were there with us through the most difficult time in our lives. We trust them and we know their care will be fabulous!
Approximately, 4 weeks after our level 2 ultrasound we will go for an echo on baby's heart.
We are super excited to get a sneak peek at our little Rainbow. I can't wait to hear that they see all 4 chambers of that beautiful heart. I am trusting that they will find absolutely nothing wrong with this baby, and that we will be able to answer a big fat YES to Caleb and Hannah's questions of "Do we get to keep this baby?"
You will be in my prayers, praying all is well and you find a happy, healthy baby! Blessings!
I think it's a girl. :)
Paying for you guys. Thanks for keeping us posted. <3
keep us posted!! I am 14 weeks, so just a little behind you. I havent heard the heartbeat yet, my next appointment is on monday and I am o so scared!!!
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