Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dear Caleb,

Today is your first day of first grade.

I can't believe how quickly time has gone by.

Caleb, I want you to know that I'm praying for you.

I know you are nervous about going to a new school. I know you are going to miss your friends from your old school, but I am confident that you will  succeed in all that you put your mind to.

Caleb, you have been through so much in your short 6 years of your life. The most significant being the loss of your brother and then your grandpa. But, sweet boy, you have handled it with grace and an amazing strength that only comes from above. You are a better person because of your experiences and you will do great things.

Caleb, you will be just fine in 1st grade. You will make friends, you will excel in your academics. You will grow and learn. You have handled adversity much bigger than simply going to a new school. You are smart, strong, and funny. Most importantly, you have your daddy and myself standing behind you, supporting you and loving you in any way that you may need.

I know you don't understand our decision to move to a new home, and I know you don't like that you have to go to a new school, but this is it. This is where, Lord willing, we will be for a long time. This is where you will grow to become a young man. We chose this path with you, and your sister and brother, at the center of everything. God has opened some mighty doors and we have been obedient.

Sweet boy, I'm praying for you as you begin a new school year. I'm trusting that God will give you courage and strength this morning. I'm praying that He will bring you a best friend at school, someone who loves God (and Beyblades) as much as you do. I'm trusting that He will give you the knowledge that you need to become successful in life in a way that is glorifying to Him.

I love you, sweet Ubs.



  1. Happy first day of 1st grade Caleb! May you have more fun than you thought possible. Nothing but good thoughts and prayers your way today!

  2. Oh sweet, funny Caleb! I went to 2 new schools in 1stto grade because of moves. Your mommy & daddy are so wise to have you start at the school near where you will be living! I hope &pray today was a great day!

  3. Just wanted you to know that I am keeping Joshu, you, and your family in my thoughts this week.

  4. I hope he had an awesome day and that he talked your ear off with all of the exciting news!
