Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Shane and I have been visiting our new home on a regular basis.

Between that and the weekly calls that we receive from the construction manager, we pretty much know at all times what is going on and where we are in the construction process.

But this morning, when I went over, I was dumbfounded at what I saw.

Yes, those are our shower and bathtub sitting in our backyard.

Our home is taking shape.

To us, this home is something out of a storybook.

It is nothing fancy. It doesn't have any bells and whistles.

Our view from the living room. Beautiful, eh?

But, let me tell you, it is beautiful.

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This home, it is such a blessing.

Our backyard

Our backyard from the kitchen.

It signifies rest, peace, and blessing.

The living room

It is a reminder of God's faithfulness to our family.

From the kitchen to the living room

It is a reminder that God has always had a plan for us and will continue to lead us.

Soon to be window above the kitchen sink

1/2 bath on the main floor. The den is behind it.

It is a reminder of how far our family has come.

From the front door looking towards to the back door.

From the kitchen to the front door


Shane and I are absolutely speechless. We are thankful. Above all else, we are grateful.


  1. just beautiful. I am so happy and excited for you guys!

  2. So so awesome for you guys...You are such an inspiration, Jill... so REAL. I love to read your blog...keep pressing on and fighting the good fight - because it looks like you are definitely winning!

  3. Your home is beautiful.YOu are going to have such great times there.

  4. I am so happy for your family, Congratulations.

  5. It's beautiful! I'm so excited for you guys!

  6. OH MY! Completely and utterly amazing! Just... amazing ..wow.
